Thursday, February 23, 2012

Missing my hunny today

This week for the song link up, I decided to do my husband and I's song. This was the song that we danced to at our wedding. It's been our song since we started dating, the husband heard this song and he said it reminded him of us and thus it has been our song ever since.
I have been really excited about some things happening lately, but being so happy about those few things makes me miss my husband even more. I want him home to share in these things and be happy with me. Fridays always seem to be my hard days, the days I break down and can't seem to function. I guess this week it's coming one day sooner. Gosh I sure do miss him. I never thought I could miss someone so much. I always thought I was an independent person and didn't need a guy. Well I still think I'm independent, but I sure do need him, he makes our family complete.

Sorry for the sappy/emotional post.

Head on over to Goodnight Moon and link up!


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