Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Thank you!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who left super sweet comments on my post from last night. It really meant a lot to me. So thank you all very much!

I am happy to announce all is back to normal. Little L is back to his old self, laughing talking and playing. Hopefully bed time will go on without a hitch. :)

Dinner went well, we actually ate at the table and Little L seemed to really enjoy it. We have always eaten in front of the TV (I know, it's horrible) and Little L was at hi Little Tykes table, but I started having issues of him eating his entire dinner and such. So, I thought this would fix it, plus I've always wanted to have dinners at the table, but for some reason hadn't started it until now. Ah well, better late than never. :)

Again thank you to everyone! I'm super glad things are back to normal....I was even able to make it to the gym tonight. :)

1 comment:

I LOVE comments!!! :) I promise I will write back if you leave a comment :)