Friday, April 20, 2012

30 Day Challenge- Day 20 High School Graduation

I talked about Prom yesterday, so I thought it was only fitting to talk about graduation. Now I'm sure you're thinking, "why is she writing about graduation?" It can't be that exciting. Well, I will have to say it was a great day and had it's own surprises. In my hometown, seniors take their exams a whole week before everyone else, then we are done with high school until the Sunday before the last week of school. Let me tell you, it was awesome being done two whole weeks before everyone else!
On the day of Graduation, we were to be at the school early, so I drove myself and met up with my friends. We had to take pictures and then wait around, the ole hurry up and wait. Finally it was time to line up outside (our graduation was on the football field), we had just gotten word we were going to start walking....when literally.....the sky opened up and it started down pouring!!! There was mass chaos as everyone tried to figure out what to do and where to duck and cover. Of course the girls were upset their hair got ruined and the boys wanted to go out and play in it. :)
We were finally instructed to wait in the gym to see if the rain would stop or not. I think we sat around for like an hour or so, they decided to move the ceremony into the stuffy gym. Once everyone got settled, they started the ceremony.
The one major thing I remember is when they called my name was thinking to myself "don't trip, don't trip, remember to smile, don't trip!" We also had to listen to our three valedictorians. I don't remember much else from the ceremony, other than I couldn't believe I had finally made it. I was finally a high school graduate!
That night we had our senior night. It was a blast! My best friend and I did the bungee run thing like 10 times. I was so sore the next day, but it was worth it. They also had food, other bouncy games, swimming, you could make your own music video, massages, and a ton of other things. At the end of the evening/morning they had everyone go to the auditorium, where they had a wheel thing set up and called people down to win prizes. I remember sitting there, thinking I was tired when I heard my name called. I never win anything! So I went up there, spun the wheel.....and would you believe it....I won a TV!!!!! I was so excited!! Not bad for my first win. :)
All in all, it was a great day and evening! I'll have to see if I can find any of my pictures from that day and night and update the post. :)

1 comment:

  1. That is a memorable graduation.. I probably would have been mad too. But since I went to high school in Kansas, and the weather is unpredictable.. they always plan it for indoors. LOL.

    We had something similar to your senior night, only it was a party after prom.. from like 2 in the morning to like 5. With prizes, games, movies, dates.. tons of fun.


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